


Halo sobat, jumpa lagi dengan kak Ross. Bagi sobat yang rutin mengikuti positngan di blog ini, pasti akan familiar dengan topik yang berhubungan dengan IELTS. Namun blog ini sebenarnya tidak hanya membahas IELTS namun juga TOEFL. Kak Ross lebih sering membahas IELTS karena lebih banyak pertanyaan dan permintaan berbagai informasi mengenai tes yang sedang naik daun ini. Kalau sobat pernah mencoba mendaftar di universitas luar negeri atau mendaftar beasiswa, akan diberikan beberapa alternatif tes Bahasa Inggris dan 2 pilihan yang paling umum dan sering kita jumpai adalah IELTS academic module serta TOEFL Internet Based Test atau IBT.


IBT sendiri sebenarnya juga bagian dari TOEFL, namun masih ada beberapa kawan yang masih bingung perbedaan antara PBT (Paper Based Test) dan IBT (Internet Based Test). Perbedaan yang sudah jelas tentu saja dari pengerjaan dimana PBT mengharuskan sobat menjawab pertanyaan di kertas ujian sementra IBT mewajibkan sobat menjawab pertanyaan di komputer. Selain itu, section dalam dua tes ini juga berbeda dimana:
TOEFL PBT terdiri dari Listening, Structre and Written Expression serta Reading Comprehension. Sedangkan
TOEFL IBT terdiri dari Listening, Reading, Speaking, dan Writing. IBT ini bisa dibilang hampir sama seperti IELTS karena yang diujikan adalah all aspects of language mulai dari linguistic knowledge (what you know about the language such as grammar, vocabulary and all) dan linguistic performance (how you use the language in real life communication such as speaking and writing).


Namun kali ini kita akan spesifik membahas writing. Sobat mungkin sudah cukup familiar dengan berbagai strategi di TOEFL Listening dan Reading yang sebenarnya sangat tipikal. Namun, di writing, akan sedikit berbeda karena sobat harus lebih condong language performance dan bukan lagi soal strategi mengerjakan soal.
Oke, mari kita mulai dengan membahas sedikit dengan template untuk Writing TOEFL IBT. Kak Ross sudah membaca writing strategy di buku Longman dan beberapa sumber online dan kabar baiknya adalah, writing IELTS dan TOEFL IBT ini quite similar. TOEFL IBT menggunakan argumentative writing yang secara garis besar sama dengan IELTS writing tas 2.
Untuk materi task 2 IELTS sendiri bisa secara lengkap dilihat di

Sedangkan contoh writing task 2 dapat dilihat di


Writing secara garis besar akan terdiri dari:
1.   Overview (memberikan gambaran umum)
2.   Stating basis of argument (menentukan dasar argumen anda)
3.   Giving balanced argument (memberikan argumen yang berimbang)
4.   Explaining your own argument (menjelaskan argumen anda)
5.   Conclusion and solution (memberikan kesimpulan dan solusi)

Oke, mari kita gunakan topik berikut sebagai contoh:
Do you agree or disagree with this statement:
Parents are the best teacher for children

1. Overview (Berikan gambaran umum)

Education is one of the most essential aspects of humans' life, especially for children who currently on stage of golden age. Education becomes one of many ways for them to understand the world. Nowadays, there are so many institution giving formal education ranging from public to private schools. Home schooling also becomes more and more prevalent these days by which children are taught at home by private teachers or their own parents. Parents are responsible for their children's education that they have to provide good education at home and send their children to formal education. There has been a debate about the role of parents as a teacher, and this writing aims to explain why that is.

2. State your basis of argument (Jelaskan dasar argumen anda)

Some people argue that education is best given by children's parents, but I personally think that formal education is also important these days, especially when there are more and more competition in terms of future career and life success.

3. Give balanced argument

Most people believe that parents are best teachers because they personally think that parents must know their children better than any other persons. Most of the time, it will always the case. However, formal education like that given at school is a way different from home education. Curriculum may be applied to achieve learning goals, and not all parents can provide this kind of thing when giving a home education. People also often believe that parents become the first persons who should their children for the reason of affection and emotional bond, but this is not always the case. For parents who still work and do not have much time for home education, sending their children to formal school still becomes the best choice. The choice of giving home education also has something to do with the role of parents itself. By becoming the first person to educate children, many parents hope that they will be an exemplary figure for their children and hence, can also teach moral value.

4. Explain your own argument

Despite the fact that home education become more prevalent recently, formal education keeps proving themselves as a trustworthy institution by improving their quality and thus promising the students with better life and future career. Children still need them in a way that they approach education from different perspectives, including the scientific approach. Scientific approach is something that may be hard for parents to cope with for it is not likely for individuals to master many disciplines at the same time. These disciplines need to be taught by dedicated teachers hence schools still retain its fame when talking about education in scientific fields.
Furthermore, going to school makes it possible for the children to interact not only with their parents but also with others. This will help them dealing with social demand, cooperating with others, working in a team, and sharing views that can never be achieved when they learn solely from parents. Learning far from parents also teach them about independence and expose them to real world where opportunities and challenges altogether form the realest meaning of being educated and social at the same time.

5. Conclusion and solution

From the explanation above, it can be concluded that home education is essential but still has to be combined with formal education. Parents can give home education as a basic for more structured curriculum at school. Parents can also be a exemplary figure on how one should be social so that the children can have a good time during their time at school.

Nah, demikianlah contoh writing pada TOEFL IBT. Template diatas bukanlah sesuatu yang fixed, sehingga sobat masih bisa memberikan berbagai kritik dan masukan untuk perbaikan  template yang sudah ada.


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