Halo sobat semua, hari ini akan kita bahas sedikit tentang pengerjaan Writing task 1 IELTS berupa map. Disini sobat harus menjelaskan bagaimana sebuah lanskap berubah berdasarkan rentang waktu. Meski beragam bentuk dan tingkat kesulitan, map ini memiliki beberapa feature yang sangat umum ditemui seperti:
1. Tahun, biasanya sobat akan diminta membandingkan peta dari dua tahun berbeda
2. Arah mata angin. Meski di gambar keterangan ini terlihat kecil, namun perannya sangat penting sekali sehingga hukumnya wajib dijelaskan.
3. Sobat akan banyak menjelaskan arah seperti A is in the northern region of the map, B is located near C, dan sebagainya. Karena yang dibutuhkan memang informasi spasial, keterangan mengenai 'what' and 'where' akan sangat dominan.
4. Informasi yang sangat spesifik seperti jumlah, ukuran, dan sebagainya. Misal di map terdapat sebuah bangunan besar yang pada map lainnya berubah menjadi beberapa rumah kecil, sobat pun harus menjelaskan ini. Bahkan jumlah pohon di peta pun bisa dijelaskan jika dianggap perlu.
5. Secara garis besar, major trend pada map biasanya dibagi menjadi major and minor change karena memang pembahasannya berfokus pada perubahan lanskap dari tahun ke tahun.
Untuk materi IELTS Writing Task 1 beserta template nya dapat dilihat di postingan sebelumnya
Untuk lebih jelasnya silahkan lihat contoh map dengan seksama.
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Map (You need to read this horizontally) |
Berikut adalah contoh pengerjaannya:
The map depicts a landscape of an area in 1992 and 2012. The area was divided into western and easter regions separated by a river. The map underwent both major and minor changes. The major change is depicted by the emergence of new buildings and the replacement of old buildings as well as the extension of road and railway, while the minor change is presented by the significant decrease in vegetation and open space.
In 1992, the western region was not so crowded since it only had nine houses and one big building and an apartment. Open space and vegetation were quite dominant. In 2012, the area changed and there were only six houses, five big buildings and one medium building near the river. There was no an apartment for it had been replaced by new buildings. There was also a supermarket and road was also extended. There were 2 main roads in 2012, and the supermarket was located between them.
In 1992, there were two bridges connecting the eastern and western regions. The eastern region had six houses and 1992. There were also a school, a hospital, and a railway station. In 2012, the houses were clustered in the Northwest part of the region and there were only five of them. A ferry station and a factory were built in the southern part of the region. The railway was also extended to connect eastern and western regions. In terms of vegetation and open space, both regions had significant downgrade of the number of trees and land since the establishment made the land fully occupied.
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