Descriptive Text


Definisi Descriptive Text
Dalam Bahasa Inggris, terdapat berbagai macam jenis bacaan. Salah satu jenis bacaan yang perlu kita pahami adalah descriptive text. Descriptive text adalah jenis bacaan yang bertujuan untuk memberikan deskripsi sebuah benda, orang, atau tempat.

Bagaimana sebuah Descriptive Text Ditulis
Untuk dapat memahami dan menulis sebuah descriptive text, kita harus terlebih dahulu mengerti Generic Structure nya, yang dapat dijabarkan sebagai berikut:

Kita harus menjelaskan benda, orang, atau tempat apa yang akan kita deskripsikan. Pada bagian ini, kita dapat mulai menulis sebuah Descriptive Text dengan memberikan informasi yang bersifat umum, misalnya:

Describing Sydney Opera House

Sydney Opera House is a venue which becomes the center of performing art in Sydney, New South Wales, Australia. It is considered as one of the most distinctive buildings in the 20th Century, and becomes famous as Australia’s landmark. The building was designed by an architect named JØrn Utzon, and was formally opened in 1973.

2. Description
Pada bagian ini, anda akan memberikan deskripsi yang sifatnya lebih spesifik. Untuk contoh describing Sydney Opera House di atas, misalkan, anda dapat memberikan beberapa keterangan tambahan dengan menjelaskan karakteristik Sydney Opera House sebagai berikut:

  • How does it look?

  • What is it used for?

Anda dapat menuliskan dua informasi yang bersifat lebih spesifik ini ke dalam dua paragraf yang berbeda, sehingga nanti tulisan anda akan menjadi seperti berikut:

Paragraph 1

Sydney Opera House is a venue which becomes the center of performing art in Sydney, New South Wales, Australia. It is considered as one of the most distinctive buildings in the 20th Century, and becomes famous as Australia’s landmark. The building was designed by an architect named JØrn Utzon, and was formally opened in 1973.

Paragraf 2

Description (how it looks like)
Sydney Opera house is adopting a modern expressionist design, and this is particularly shown by its large concrete “shells”. If we look at them from distance, these shells appear uniformly white. There are two large spaces in the building, the first being the Concert Hall which is located in the Western part of the shells and the second is the Joan Sutherland Theater located in the Eastern part of the shells. There is smaller shell in the western side of the Monumental Steps, which houses the Bennelong Restaurant. The structure is surrounded by a large public space, and since it is located near Australian Harbor, we can sometimes see boats and ships passing by.

Paragraf 3

Description (what the building is used for)
The first person to perform at Sydney Opera House was Paul Robeson, who sang Ol’ Man River for the construction workers as they ate their lunch. In 1974, Joan Sutherland performed for the first time in the theater which is later named for her. Aside from being the center of performing arts, Sydney Opera House also becomes a tourist attraction. There are more than eight million people visiting the site annually, and almost half of them take a guided tour of the building. On 28 June 2007, Sydney Opera House became a UNESCO World Heritage Site. To celebrate its 40th anniversary, a New Year firework display was mounted on 31 December 2013.

Beberapa jenis kata yang umumnya muncul di Descriptive Text adalah:
Adjective (Kata Sifat)
-Distinctive (unik)
-Famous (terkenal)
-Modern (modern)
-Large (besar)
-Small (kecil)
-Annual (tahunan)

Untuk Descriptive Text yang menjelaskan tempat seperti contoh di atas, maka Adverb of Place (kata keterangan tempat) juga akan sering muncul. Misalkan:

-Near (dekat)

Selain itu, Descriptive Text yang menggambarkan suatu tempat juga sering menggunakan Preposition (kata depan) yang menjelaskan tempat, seperti pada contoh:

-In Sydney
-In the building
-In the western part
-In the eastern part
-In the western side
-In the theater

The Sydney Opera House

Sydney Opera House is a venue which becomes the center of performing art in Sydney, New South Wales, Australia. It is considered as one of the most distinctive buildings in the 20th Century, and becomes famous as Australia’s landmark. The building was designed by an architect named JØrn Utzon, and was formally opened in 1973.

Sydney Opera house is adopting a modern expressionist design, and this is particularly shown by its large concrete “shells”. If we look at them from distance, these shells appear uniformly white. There are two large spaces in the building, the first being the Concert Hall which is located in the Western part of the shells and the second is the Joan Sutherland Theater located in the Eastern part of the shells. There is smaller shell in the western side of the Monumental Steps, which houses the Bennelong Restaurant. The structure is surrounded by a large public space, and since it is located near Australian Harbor, we can sometimes see boats and ships passing by.

The first person to perform at Sydney Opera House was Paul Robeson, who sang Ol’ Man River for the construction workers as they ate their lunch. In 1974, Joan Sutherland performed for the first time in the theater which is later named for her. Aside from being the center of performing arts, Sydney Opera House also becomes a tourist attraction. There are more than eight million people visiting the site annually, and almost half of them take a guided tour of the building. On 28 June 2007, Sydney Opera House became a UNESCO World Heritage Site. To celebrate its 40th anniversary, a New Year firework display was mounted on 31 December 2013.

Source: wikipedia
Note: This article is used only for educational purpose

Ciri-ciri Umum Descriptive Text

  • Kata benda yang digunakan merujuk pada satu benda yang spesifik, misal The Sydney Opera House
  • Menggunakan Simple Present Tense
  • Banyak menggunakan Attributive Verb


Bacalah artikel di bawah ini! Isilah titik-titik berikut ini dengan kata-kata yang tersedia di dalam kotak!

Panthera Tigris Sondaica

Panthera Tigris Sondaica is a tiger subspecies which ___________(1) in Java Island. It used to be one of three tiger populations found in the ___________(2). It extinct due to excessive haunting as well as massive loss and degradation of ____________(3).

Compared to other subspecies, Pathera Tigris Sondaica is considerably small. The body is characterized by long stripes. It has more numerous stripes than Sumatran tigers ________(4). The males were slightly bigger than the females, weighed between 100 to 141 kilograms.

In the 19th Century, there were many Javan Tiger _____________ (5) the Island. They usually preyed ________(6) deer, banteng and ____________(7). ______(8) 1940, many of them moved to mountainous and forested areas. After the era of World War II, the species became extremely ________(9). This happened because the natural forest in Java was turned into _______(10), coffee and rubber plantation. The land was no longer a ___________(11) habitat for the tigers, that they could no longer survive.

Source: wikipedia
Note: This article is used only for educational purpose

descriptive text

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