
IELTS Writing Task 1 Combined Graph - Line Graph and Pie Chart

IELTS Writing Task 1 Combined Graph - Line Graph and Pie Chart

Today, we are going to discuss the last combined graph that we have in IELTS Writing Task 1. We have discussed all types of combined graphs in the previous articles, so the combination of line graph and pie chart that we have today will be the last article on IELTS Writing Task 1 material. After this, we will focus on IELTS Writing Task 2 Material. If you haven't read the previous articles, you can read them here:

Line Graph and Table

Pie Chart and Table

Line Graph and Bar Graph

Pie Charts and Bar Graph   

Bar Graph and Table

Now, let's discuss the sample combined graph above. As usual, we are going to start by giving general overview in paragraph 1.

Paragraph 1

Introduce the Graph

You have to introduce the graph and paraphrase the original title like this:

  • The sales of cars from 2015 until 2019 (original title)
  • Car sales by types (original title)

  • The number of cars sold in a five-year period starting from 2015 (paraphrased title)
  • Five types of cars purchased (paraphrased title)

Main Features

There are three different car brands in the graph, and this has to be explained in the first paragraph. Besides the brands, we also have to explain that the units are presented in million (not percentage, thousand, or other measurement). You can write:

There are three car brands shown in the graph, which are Xbrand, Ybrand and Zbrand. Units are presented in millions.

Major Trend

Major trend helps us organize our ideas. We can see that Xbrand is the only car brand experiencing a constant increase in sales, while the sales of the two other brands were fluctuating. The pie chart shows us which types of car have the highest sales.  

The whole paragraph 1 of your writing will look like this:

The line graph presents the number of cars sold in a five-year period starting from 2015, while the pie chart outlines five types of cars purchased within that period. There are three car brands shown in the graph, which are Xbrand, Ybrand and Zbrand. Units are presented in millions.

Paragraph 2

Paragraph 2 consists of a very detailed information about percentage/number/proportion, increase/decrease, highest/lowest point and other related information. Please remember that you need to demonstrate your mastery of English grammar and vocabulary in IELTS Writing Section, so make sure that you do not overuse certain word like increase or decrease. You can paraphrase this word with other words like grow, surge, skyrocket, climb, plummet, sink, shrink, fall, dip, etc. The same goes for grammar. Avoid using monotonous sentence structure (e.g. active voice). Use passive voice, reduced adjective clause, expletive, and other grammatical varieties so you can get maximum score for grammar.

The line graph indicates that the sales of Xbrand cars constantly increases. There were less than 1 million units of Xbrand cars sold in 2015, much lower compared to the two other brands. The number doubled two years later, surpassing the sales of Zbrand cars in 2017. In the following year, the sales of Xbrand cars surpassed Ybrand car. By the year of 2020, nearly 3 million units of Xbrand cars were sold.  

Some other ways of explaining increase and decrease (other than point acheved) may include:

  • Difference, for example: In 2018, the sales of Zbrand cars was reduced by around five hundred thousand units
  • Multiplication, for example: The number doubled two years later, surpassing the sales of Zbrand cars in 2017
  • Fraction, for example: The sales was reduced almost by a half a year later.

We have discussed vocabulary range and accuracy in the previous explanation. Now, I would like to focus more on the use of cohesive device. Cohesive device is one aspect of writing that seems subtle, but extremely important. It helps us with the flow of our writing, so it can be easily understood by the readers. I will underline cohesive device in my explanation below, so that you can see how ideas are arranged in the rest of paragraph 2.

Unlike Xbrand, Zbrand used to have the highest sales in 2015, selling around 4 million units of cars. The sales was reduced almost by a half only a year later. In 2017, the sales hit its lowest point. Despite the dramatic fall, the sales of Zbrand cars slightly increased in the following period. As far as Ybrand is concerned, the sales experienced a slow but steady growth. The sales reached its peak in 2017, in which nearly 3 million units of car were sold. However, the sales decreased two years later.


Other cohesive device may include: in addition, in contrary, in contrast, furthermore, as for, etc.

Paragraph 3

You can write paragraph 3 the same way you have written your paragraph 2. In this paragraph, I will underline some of the words that are frequently used in IELTS Writing Task 1.

Moving to the pie chart, it can be seen that the majority of car buyers purchased a multi-purpose vehicle, which accounted for 35% of the sales. Hatchback city car and Sport Utility Vehicle were the second most favorite cars, which together made up more than half of the total sales. Sedan and sportscar together made up less than 15% of the sales.



The whole writing Task 1 will look like this:

The line graph presents the number of cars sold in a five-year period starting from 2015, while the pie chart outlines five types of cars purchased within that period. There are three car brands shown in the graph, which are Xbrand, Ybrand and Zbrand. Units are presented in millions.

The line graph indicates that the sales of Xbrand cars constantly increases. There were less than 1 million units of Xbrand cars sold in 2015, much lower compared to the two other brands. The number doubled two years later, surpassing the sales of Zbrand cars in 2017. In the following year, the sales of Xbrand cars surpassed Ybrand car. By the year of 2020, nearly 3 million units of Xbrand cars were sold.  Unlike Xbrand, Zbrand used to have the highest sales in 2015, selling around 4 million units of cars. The sales was reduced almost by a half only a year later. In 2017, the sales hit its lowest point. Despite the dramatic fall, the sales of Zbrand cars slightly increased in the following period. As far as Ybrand is concerned, the sales experienced a slow but steady growth. The sales reached its peak in 2017, in which nearly 3 million units of car were sold. However, the sales decreased two years later.

Moving to the pie chart, it can be seen that the majority of car buyers purchased an MPV, which accounted for 35% of the sales. Hatchback city car and SUV were the second most favorite cars, which together made up more than half of the total sales. Sedan and sportscar together made up less than 15% of the sales.

Wordcount: 272


I have tried my best to explain the combined graphs as concise as possible, but it turns out that the writing is a bit too long for Writing Task 1 (the ideal wordcount is between 150-190 words). If anyone has managed to write a more concise version of the writing, please give me some advice on comment section. Tell me which information should be omitted. You can also show us your sample writing here as a comparison.

That's end of our material on IELTS Writing Task 1. From this point on, I will focus on IELTS Writing Task 2. I really hope that the articles can become much of a help for everyone. 

Cheers 👋

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