
IELTS Speaking Section Part 1, 2 and 3 - Children

IELTS Speaking Section Part 1 - Talking about Familiar Topics


Do you often come into contact with children?

Yes, I do. I usually play with my niece and nephew. When their father is too busy working and the mother is cooking, I will play with them so that they don't run around and annoy their parents. Sometimes, my cousin asks me to watch the children when they play outside and make sure they don't play in the street or talk to strangers. I tend to stay at home when I'm not working so, I don't mind helping her.

What do you do when you are with those children?

Most of the time, we will play football in the front yard. But when the weather is too hot or when it is raining, we just stay at home making origami or drawing. The children often ask to play video game on my phone but I rarely say yes to such request. Even if I say yes, I will always be the one choosing what game to play because I'm afraid they will choose a game that contains graphic violent or simply not appropriate for their age.

Do you get along with them?

Yes, I always do. I don't see my nephew and niece so often because I'm busy working, so they're always glad to see me, the same way I always feel glad to see them. I am a good storyteller and I can do some magic tricks, and these are the things that children like to see, I guess. I always find a way to entertain the children, and I think this is way I can get along with them.

Do children like to do the same things when they play?

Of course not. Children are easily bored and will do anything to entertain themselves. This is why my cousin often asks me to play with the kids. Children tend to be grumpy and behave badly when they get bored, like drawing in the wall or throwing stuff around. Personally, I would rather see them go outside to play, because it is much better than playing video games all day. Children like to run in the backyard chasing  a butterfly or just playing in the mud, which is fine as long as someone is watching them.

What's the difference between how children play now and how children played in the past?

It is extremely different. When I was a kid, I always played outside, far away from home. I liked riding bicycle, fishing in the nearby lake, making and flying a kite, swimming in the river, playing football when it is raining, and climbing the tree to pick mangos or avocado. I spent most of my childhood playing outside, and wouldn't go home until the sun sets. My mother often scolded me for playing in the mud or catching grasshoppers in the rice field, because my shirt would be dirty. Nowadays, kids spend most of their time at home or at a daycare. They would rather play video games or watch youtube, which is a little sad. Childhood will be much more fun when you get to play with peers and do outdoor activities. 

Do you think children benefit from modern technology?

Yes they do, to certain extent. Some people may argue that children tend to have problem developing social skills because they are too busy with smartphones, but it's not always the case. Sometimes, technology can also help children build a good relationship.  For example, when one of their parents have to work far away from home, children can still interact with them through video calls. I couldn't do that when I was a child, because smartphones were not so common those days.

IELTS Speaking Section Part 2 - Self-Presentation

Children's Behavior

Describe a time when you saw a child behaved badly in public

You should say:

What was the child doing?

Where did that happen?

How did other people react?

How did you feel about it?

What was the child doing?

So, one day, I saw a little boy who did not want to share a toy with his little sister. The boy was playing with a new action figure that his parents just bought him and his sister wanted to play it too. The boy wouldn't let his little sister play with his toy or even touch it, because the last time she borrowed his toy car, she broke it. He started yelling at his little sister and was scolded by his mother.

Where did that happen?

It happened in the city park. The family went there to see the famous dancing water fountain. The parents bought the boy a toy in the street vendor near the city park, because his sister damaged his car toy. The two children kept yelling at each other and the sister was crying because she knew she wouldn't be able to borrow her brother's toy anymore.

How did other people react?

People didn't see the children as a nuisance or anything, because it is pretty normal for children to fight over a toy, food, or other trivial matters. The other parents who also watched the dancing water fountain just glanced and didn't seem to mind the children. They know what it's like to have children, so, they didn't complaint or anything. 

How did you feel about it?

I was a little annoyed at first, but then I realized that they were just children. Children tend to behave badly when they are upset, so I tried to just shrug it off and enjoyed chatting with my friends instead.

IELTS Speaking Section Part 3 - Discussion

Educating Children

What kind of bad behavior children usually have?

When children feel uncomfortable, they will cry and yell at their parents. Sometimes they can throw things around when they feel upset. There are times when children won't listen to their parents, running and playing in the street or playing paper boat in the dirty puddle of water. They will stop doing what they do once they get yelled at, but may repeat it the next day because they're having so much fun and forget what their parents told them.

Do you think children tend to behave badly when there are no strict rules?

Not necessarily. I was from a very strict family, but I grew up being a rebellious kid. I never listened to anyone's advice. I often broke the rules, despite the consequences that may follow. My mother often scolded me or even whipped me with a rattan stick because I did dangerous things like climbing up a tree or playing football in the street.

How should parents stop their children from behaving badly in public?

Parents should give a real example when it comes to teaching their children how to behave in public. Children's bad behavior is the result of a bad parenting, or bad example from adults in general. There's no point of telling children what to do, scolding them for not taking our advice, or even punishing them for behaving badly. Their behavior is the reflection of adults around them. If parents want their children to have a good behavior, they have to be the exemplary figures.

Do you think school can help children learn good behavior?

Yes, it can. In school, children not only study, but also learn how to interact with their peers, how to show respect to older people and authority, and how to be a good member of the society. I remember watching a documentary about Japanese elementary school students who are taught to be independent by going to school by themselves. They are also taught to keep cleanliness by cleaning their class and to keep solidarity by working on a group project. These students learn how to be a responsible individual in the earliest stage of their education as much as they learn to excel in various subjects.

Well, the documentary explains that independence, responsibility, and good behaviors need to be taught, appreciated and reinforced. We can't let children do whatever they want while expecting them to be responsible and have good behavior.

Can media affect how children behave?

Yes, it can. I said that children tend to imitate adult's behavior, and this includes those that appear on media, like television, for example. Children shouldn't see a program that is not appropriate for their age. Instead of seeing the glamorous life of a celebrity, children better watch educational program. Rather than seeing politicians debating on TV, yelling at each other without giving a viable solution, it's better for the children to watch cartoon programs. The most horrible thing that children should never see on TV is a program that depicts violence. Children are not mature yet to distinguish what is good and what is bad, and seeing violence can make them think that it is normal to hurt people, verbally or physically.

What do you think of corporal punishment to children?

Somehow, I think it is necessary sometimes. I do not condone violence or anything, but you can't just let your children do whatever they want expecting them to learn that their actions have consequences. Sometimes, it is necessary to show them that bad behaviors are simply not appreciated. But we have to remember though, corporal punishment is not meant to hurt the children. We should also talk first to our children, telling them to behave in a more persuasive way. Corporal punishment should be the last option for parents.

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