TOEFL Complete Test - Reading Comprehension 1-10

Instruksi Pengerjaan
Sebelum mengerjakan soal Reading Comprehension, silahkan siapkan timer dan atur durasi pengerjaan selama 55 menit (untuk pertanyaan 1 s.d. 50). Agar hasil pengerjaan bisa lebih akurat memprediksi skor akhir Anda nanti, terapkan time pressure seperti tes asli dan kerjakan soal dalam satu kali percobaan. Kunci jawaban dan pembahasan dapat Anda lihat pada akhir tes. Selamat mengerjakan.

Before attempting the test, set a timer to 55 minutes (for questions number 1 to 50). You need to feel the time pressure of the real test, so you can assess your ability to complete TOEFL Structure and Written Expression. Do not re-attempt the test, key answer and explanation of each question will be given to you at the end of the test. Good luck.

Reading Simulation Test

Time – 55 minutes

This part of the test is used to measure your ability to read and understand short passages.

Directions: There will be several passages that are followed by several questions. You have to answer based on what is said or what is stated in the passage and choose the correct answer (A), (B), (C) or (D). Find the number related to the question in your test book, and fill in the space that corresponds to the letter of the answer that you have chosen.


Take a look at this sample passage:

Sleep paralysis is a condition in which someone feels like being conscious but unable to speak or move. It happens because their body is already in sleep mode but their brain is still active. There are two types of sleep paralysis. The first one is predormital sleep paralysis, which happens while a person is falling asleep. Sleep paralysis can also happen as a person is waking up, and this is called postdormital sleep paralysis. When having a sleep paralysis, someone may see things that are not there, and this make them very scared. They also feel a choking sensation. In some cases, sleep paralysis may keep people up at night. If this happens, they may have to see a doctor who specializes in sleep condition for further evaluation.



Which of the followings is true about sleep paralysis?

(A)  It happens when the brain is not active

(B)  There is only one type of sleep paralysis

(C)  It may cause sleep deprivation

(D)  It cannot be examined or treated


According to the passage, sleep paralysis may keep people up at night, so you should choose (C).

Now, go on and start working on the questions below.

Questions 1-10

In recent decades, California has witnessed some of the most significant increase in the length and extremety of fire season. This has resulted in massive wildfires such as the Valley Fire in 2015, Tubbs Fire in 2017, and Camp Fire in 2018. California is prone to wildfires due to natural and human factors. One of the natural causes of such disaster in a fire-prone area like California is the long drought. Due to the previous wet season, the area witnesses growth of shrubs, grasses and trees which ultimately become perfect fuels for the fire. The other common natural causes of fire are lightning and wind. When a lightning strikes the dry vegetation and starts a fire, the flame grows substantially and spreads rapidly as the wind blows the fire. The wind makes the movement of the fire less predictable, making it more difficult to contain.

The wildfire can also be caused by human factors. Sometimes, fire is caused by power lines. When there is strong wind, two power lines may come into contact with each other. This can create an electrical arc that deposits high temperature, molten material onto the ground. The material comes into contact with dry vegetation or other flammable materials, causing a fire. Sadly, fire can also be caused be an arson, which means that someone deliberately starts the fire, resulting in damages, injuries and loss of life. 

1. The topic of the passage is 
(A) The natural causes of wildfires in California
(B) Several causes of wildfires in California
(C) Human as the main factor of wildfires in California
(D) Several measures taken to overcome fire in California

2. It can inferred from the passage that the the wind
(A) helps contain the wildfires
(B) prevents the fire from spreading
(C) makes the fire more erratic
(D) is the only factor hindering the containment of fire

3. The word "prone" in line 2 is closest in meaning to
(A) vulnerable
(B) resistant
(C) pervasive
(D) irreversible

4.It can be inferred from the passage that an arson
(A) accidentally starts a fire
(B) hinders the containment of wildfires
(C) is one of the natural factors of wildfires
(D) sets a fire on purpose

5. The word "contain" in line 5 is closest in meaning to
(A) carry
(B) put out
(C) hold
(D) include

6. It can be inferred from the passage that wildfires can cause the followings, except
(A) casualty
(B) harm
(C) destruction
(D) dry season

7. The word "flammable" in line 8 is closest in meaning to
(A) combustible
(B) stable
(C) fireproof
(D) unsafe

8. According to the passage, the wet season
(A) also exacerbates the wildfires
(B) helps prevent the spread of fire
(C) makes it possible for certain area to cool down
(D) overcomes the wildfires

9. The passage states that the duration of fire season in California
(A) remains the same
(B) is shorter than it used to be
(C) does not last for long
(D) is longer than usual

10. According to the passage, which of the followings is not true about the wind
(A) makes the fire more unpredictable
(B) is one of the common natural factors of wildfires
(C) can cause two power lines to come into contact
(D) can be helpful to contain the fire

Report Card

Total Questions Attempted: 0

Correct Answers: 0

Wrong Answers: 0


Sebelum melanjutkan pengerjaan, catat terlebih dahulu jumlah jawaban benar pada report card di atas, agar dapat dilakukan perhitungan skor akhir simulasi tes TOEFL Anda.

Before continuing to the next questions, take a note of the correct answers that you have on the report card, so you can calculate your final score later.

Untuk pengerjaan soal nomor 11-19, klik tautan berikut Reading Comprehension Nomor 11-19

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